We are please to announce a new partnership. WorldFootballPlayer and Gibraltar Wave FC have signed a partnership. “We are happy t partner with WorldFootballPlayer. It will help us to improve our scouting and to make the next big step in developing our team. Players as well as the club can benefit from it, as it bridges the gap between players and Gibraltar Wave.”, says our Managing Director Heiko Mock.
WorldFootballPlayer eliminates the agents and links players directly with the clubs. Players can create a profile, upload videos, specify their skills and write some personal information about them. They can also search for clubs and contact them. Clubs can browse and filter players and can also contact them. No intermediate, no fees for the player (it is for free) and no additional agent fees for clubs.
The more information the players provide, the higher are the chances to be contacted by clubs.
“This is exactly what we have looked for since a while”, say Colin Griffiths, the Head Coach of Gibraltar Wave.